by Steve Grosekemper | Jan 8, 2013 | Boxster/996/997/Cayman
If you have a Boxster or 996/997, there is an excellent chance that one day you will exit the car, press the remote to lock the car and hear a terrible noise coming from the right front fender. This will be one of those “finger nails down the chalkboard” kind of...
by Steve Grosekemper | Jan 8, 2013 | Boxster/996/997/Cayman
(Clean air for you and your car) When most Porsche owners obtain a new vehicle they spend an excess of time cleaning and polishing their new acquisition. After the car is so clean that the glare becomes a danger to oncoming traffic, and water beads off the owners...
by Steve Grosekemper | Jan 8, 2013 | Boxster/996/997/Cayman
While Porsche has gotten along with air-cooling for their sports cars for the past 50 years or so, it has come to my attention that all Porsche models are water-cooled, and have been since 1999. The reason for this new-fangled water-cooling is that it maintains a more...
by Steve Grosekemper | Jan 8, 2013 | Non-model Specific
Buying a Porsche for most people is a huge event in their life. Most people have to save for, and then extensively research, their vehicle of choice. Whether a 356 Speedster or a Cayman-S you will be able to find more information than you can possibly digest. The best...
by Steve Grosekemper | Jan 8, 2013 | Non-model Specific
V.I.N. explained Starting with 1968 model year Porsches’ the V.I.N. number are displayed on the bottom driver’s side of the windshield frame. The numbers are not some random listing as the earlier cars were. The first series of numbers ran from 68-69 and...