Charging System Woes

(The glowing alternator light)  Looking through the owner’s manual for my 911, I noticed the description for the alternator warning light. You know this indicator as the little red light with the picture of a battery in it. The manual goes on to say that if this light...

Technically Speaking

Taking the car in for service is rarely something we look forward to unless you just got that huge end of year bonus that is being transformed into a go faster, turn sharper, stop quicker upgrade. Most of the time we are taking it in because something doesn’t work; or...

944 Shift Rod Repair

Whenever I start a large project I take a look at surrounding items to see if there is anything else in the area that might need attention. In the case of 944-transaxle and/or clutch removal one of the things I look at, amongst others is the shifter and shift rod. The...

964-993 Brake Cooling Duct Upgrade

As more and more late model 911’s begin to see racetrack duty, it is increasingly apparent that there are significant differences between these cars and the 2,200 pound 911’s of the early seventies. The greatest difference between these cars is not just the...